Using Source Tree for code management
Using source Tree with GIT
1. clone the gIT location with source tree
2. Once clone the code to local, import it to Eclipse
3. Now to take the latest code from source tree
Understand the side menus
a. File Status
working Copy--this is the local copy in eclipse. any changes
done to local code,will reflect on right
on Right botton section(Unstaged files).once stage these file
will reflect on top. put your comments and commit
b. Branches
Here we have different branches. Say for example all code resides in
development branch
team mebers work on their individiaul branch say "project-Mybranch"
c. Stashes.
before you commit you code, there are other changes which you migh need to take
so in order to not loose your changes,first you stage all your changes and click on "stash"
icon and name them. so your changes will be be named under stashes.
once you take latest changes, you can apply your changes from stashes. incase any changes that will be
shown in code.
1. click on Fetch to see if at all any changes are there
2. if any changes are there(say development has some changes, side of developement branch
you will see number of new changes.
3. double click on devleopment branch, so that your working copy will be switched to developemnt
4. Now click on pull, so all changes will be pulled to devleopment branch and so to the local
5. now double click on your branch,i.e project-Mybranch to switch the local to your brancn
6. right click on development branch and select "merge development with current branch" so that all changes available in development
are merged to your branch
7. Now you see same number that appear in pull in push. now click on push to push all the latest code in your branch to your local
8. start working on you local code and stage your changes and commit.
9. push your local changes to your branch
10. switch to devleopment branch and merge your branch with devleopment branch
11. push the changes to development branch
1. clone the gIT location with source tree
2. Once clone the code to local, import it to Eclipse
3. Now to take the latest code from source tree
Understand the side menus
a. File Status
working Copy--this is the local copy in eclipse. any changes
done to local code,will reflect on right
on Right botton section(Unstaged files).once stage these file
will reflect on top. put your comments and commit
b. Branches
Here we have different branches. Say for example all code resides in
development branch
team mebers work on their individiaul branch say "project-Mybranch"
c. Stashes.
before you commit you code, there are other changes which you migh need to take
so in order to not loose your changes,first you stage all your changes and click on "stash"
icon and name them. so your changes will be be named under stashes.
once you take latest changes, you can apply your changes from stashes. incase any changes that will be
shown in code.
1. click on Fetch to see if at all any changes are there
2. if any changes are there(say development has some changes, side of developement branch
you will see number of new changes.
3. double click on devleopment branch, so that your working copy will be switched to developemnt
4. Now click on pull, so all changes will be pulled to devleopment branch and so to the local
5. now double click on your branch,i.e project-Mybranch to switch the local to your brancn
6. right click on development branch and select "merge development with current branch" so that all changes available in development
are merged to your branch
7. Now you see same number that appear in pull in push. now click on push to push all the latest code in your branch to your local
8. start working on you local code and stage your changes and commit.
9. push your local changes to your branch
10. switch to devleopment branch and merge your branch with devleopment branch
11. push the changes to development branch